Our Platform
HireMeNot as a platform provides a mechanism for anyone to become a freelance recruiter; in a nutshell is the mashup of Uber, Fantasy Football & Yelp for the HR, Recruiting and Staffing industries. We have developed and trademarked a 10-step process to help reduce the friction between an opportunity, a company and a candidate via Gamification; what follows is an outline on HOW we are currently structuring our platform in order to provide much needed visibility into this mostly shrouded process to all parties involved.
Leveraging the HireMeNot platform, your users will curate sponsored requisitions and/or consolidate ad-hoc opportunities from multiple sources into a Recruitment League; your users will stack-rank and appraise each opportunity based on industry standards like salary, market demand & experience. Your users will provide visibility to all parties involved regarding reasons to join a league as to help you better filter your contacts that match said prerequisites. During the first week of the Recruitment League you will be able to define your Draft Picksand submit those for approval; the HireMeNot platform algorithms will process the requests and our staff will verify the results as to ensure they match the requirements surrounding the job, the company and the candidates in question. In order to participate in a Recruitment League you will need a minimum of 100 Karma Points which are earned via ad-hoc referrals outside of an official league.
This minimum reputation level is required to better ensure only qualified contacts are introduced as Draft Picks; once you have made at least 1 ad-hoc successful referrals, your will be able to play in an official HireMeNot Recruitment League or a private one sponsored by a company. Every accepted referral leading to an interview is worth 100 Karma Points; every placement is worth 1,000 Karma points + referral bonus. To sponsor a job/internship within a Private Recruitment League you will need to have at least 10,001 Karma Points. To sponsor a position within a HireMeNot sponsored league you will need to have at least 1,001 Karma Points. Karma Points can be purchased via HireMeNot for private leagues or earned via referrals. Every Recruitment League will be comprised of 6 job opportunities and depending on the complexity of the opportunities, it will run for 60-90 days beyond the initial draft week. The value of the referral bonus will be defined by the hiring manager/company in conjunction with HireMeNot, and on average the Freelance Recruiter will receive 70% - 90% of the bonus while HireMeNot will receive 10% - 30% of the same for every successful placement.
To summarize, and in order to:
Sponsor Ad-hoc jobs: Owned by a Freelance Recruiter or company
You will need 0-1,000 Karma Points to sponsor a job/internship.
No minimum requirements to play/refer contacts.
Participants will earn Karma Points.
No Recruitment League restrictions.
Sponsor Minor leagues: Owned by HireMeNot or a Freelance Recruiter
You will need 1,001-5,000 Karma Points to sponsor a job/internship.
You will need 100 Karma Points per Draft Pick in order to play.
Participants will earn 70% of the referral bonus in your choice of US dollars or Karma Points for every successful placement and 100 Karma Points for every referral leading to an interview.
Sponsor Major Leagues: Owned by HireMeNot or a Freelance Recruiter
You will need 5,001-10,000 Karma Points to sponsor a job/internship.
You will need 500 Karma Points per Draft Pick in order to play.
Participants will earn 80% of the referral bonus in your choice of US dollars or Karma Points for every successful placement and 100 Karma Points for every referral leading to an interview.
Sponsor Private Leagues: Owned by a company or Freelance Recruiter and managed by HireMeNot.
You will need 10,001+ Karma Points to sponsor a job/internship.
You will need 1,000 Karma Points per Draft Pick in order to play.
Participants will earn 90% of the referral bonus in your choice of US dollars or Karma Points for every successful placement and 100 Karma Points for every referral leading to an interview.
HireMeNot staff will curate & review the candidates & jobs for a fee.
In order to prevent unqualified Draft Picks, Coaches (Trusted Advisors - Freelance Recruiters) will be rated by the hiring manager/company on the quality of their referrals, and will be sanctioned and have said referrals positively or negatively impact their reputation and Karma Bankaccordingly. Players (Candidates) will be notified by HireMeNot directly upon being submitted as a Draft Pick and will have a choice to approve or deny said referral in addition to being able to join or withdraw completely from the HireMeNot Network and chose privacy levels related to their personal identifiable information.
HireMeNot will track follow-ups, successes and failures at the referral, job & league level and provide visibility on the status of the entire process while generating Leaderboardssubject to additional opportunities to win and earn even more Karma Points, Badgesand US dollars!
In a nutshell, the HireMeNot Platform will help you:
1. Manage Requisitions
2. Consolidate Search
3. Measure Placement Complexity
4. Filter Recruiters, Candidates & Companies
5. Curate Opportunities
6. Play, Earn & Win
7. Coach
8. Administer
9. Follow-up
10. Sanction & Rate
With a SaaS model, and hosted in AWS, you pay as you go on a named-user basis, allowing to leverage any and all AWS resources to configure the platform to do exactly what you need.